After google search engine, now a days youtube become most popular platform to search things we want to know which gives practical or live demonstration that leads to easy understanding, even you can use this platform as an entertaining medium like watch movies, clips and listen to music.
In this post, we will be discussing some youtube features [for both mobile and desktop/laptop] that you probably don’t know
YouTube on both mobile and desktop/laptop
Speed up or slow down video playing
On mobile – tap once while video is playing, on top right corner “3 dots icon -> playback speed”, change as you prefer.
on Desktop – on video playing pane, settings icon -> Speed, change as you prefer
NOTE : less than 1, slowing the speed and greater than 1, increasing the speed
YouTube On Desktop/laptop
Switch to Dark theme
Go to profile settings [top right corner of youtube site], Turn ON dark theme
Video preview
On desktop, if you want to preview any video before actually you watch, you can do so by hovering mouse on the video
Link to a specific play point
Let’s say you want to give a portion of video from a point [not from beginning] to end, you can do so by adding #t= at end of the video url
e.g – <video url>#t=03m15s will play the video from 3min15second to end of video.
Save videos offline
To watch youtube videos without internet, below to each video, find and click on 3 dots icon -> Save offline
NOTE : not all youtube videos support save offline feature
Validity of offline videos are of 48 hours from the date of last watch [not download], you can find offline videos under library icon -> offline videos
You can even download the videos by using some 3rd party vendors such as, but you must comply with the copyright law.
YouTube On mobile
Double tap to move video forward or backward
on the mobile, while watching youtube videos on full screen, you can double tap left side of video to go backward [rewind], same way double tap right side of video to forward the clip, each side will move 10 seconds back or forth.