We have seen how we can create a firefox profile and edit as per our need, so any time we can open firefox browser with browser settings previously set.
same way we will see how we can create a chrome profile and update the setting as per our need.
- Create a new folder, let’s say folder name “MyChromeProfile” under c:\ as c:\MyChromeProfile
- Create a chrome shortcut on desktop
Navigate to Start | All Programs, right click Google Chrome and select Send to | Desktop, Rename to MyChrome
- Right click MyChrome and click Properties and paste –user-data-dir=c:\MyChromeProfile at end of target box
check if the target box should have
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” –user-data-dir=c:\MyChromeProfile
- Now double click shortcut MyChrome from desktop to work with chrome browser and edit or update chrome settings
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